AEG Environmental

What Happens When You Aren’t Using Personal Protective Equipment Properly?

To learn more regarding the dangers of improper use of personal protective equipment, keep reading.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)  gives employees the safety they need when working with various hazardous products. It’s for this reason that facilities always need to use it when it’s appropriate. However, this is only true if the quality of the equipment you use is up to code, and if you are using the equipment appropriately. Failure to correctly utilize PPE could have disastrous results for your company and everyone in it. To learn more regarding the dangers of improper use of personal protective equipment, keep reading.

Risks to Safety and Health

There are two primary problems that come with poor handling of personal protective equipment. You put the health of your staff at risk, and your company will be put at risk for legal trouble.

Starting with health risks, people who don’t use PPE correctly, or otherwise choose not to wear it, are more prone to getting burned, cut, electrocuted, and more. In some situations, substances can get people ill, and without using PPE, the risk of contaminating other people goes up significantly. There may be other serious problems to avoid by using PPE. For example, depending on the material in question, your staff could have their senses compromised, like eyesight. This makes wearing personal protective equipment critical for avoiding disability.

Legal Issues

The safety of your staff isn’t the only thing that is compromised without proper use of personal protective equipment. If you don’t use PPE correctly, there are legal troubles that your business will face. Employees are put at fault whenever they don’t choose to wear the right PPE, and the trouble only adds up if they have refused to wear any on numerous occasions.

There are also scenarios in which the employer can be held responsible for those who do not wear the needed personal protective equipment. When the employer doesn’t uphold safety regulations in your business, and they don’t monitor whether or not your staff is wearing the gear they need, it means they aren’t enforcing their responsibility for promoting staff safety and health.

Choose AEG Environmental as Your Chemical Spill Cleanup Company

Our team can handle any type of waste you put in front of us. Don’t risk your safety and health! If there has been a hazardous mess of any kind, call us today and get the best chemical spill cleanup services available!