AEG Environmental

How to Prevent Fires at the Workplace

It should be a priority to prevent fires in your industrial or chemical plant in order to protect your employees and property.

Fire hazards are everywhere in an industrial or chemical plant. Plant managers need to take the threat of fires seriously – they can not only lead to serious damage to your plant, but they are also potentially life-threatening to your employees, accounting for around 3% of workplace fatalities every year. Workplace fires in a plant working with hazardous materials can also potentially lead to environmental contamination. You owe it to your company and employees to provide education on how to prevent fires at your workplace, and here we list a few basic tips everyone should follow.

Maintain Electrical Equipment

Anything using electricity has the potential to start a fire, but there are ways to minimize the risk. Overloaded circuits, frayed cords, and defective appliances can all increase the risk of a spark turning into much more. Make sure your electrical equipment is well-maintained and replace old or defective equipment promptly. Have licensed professionals come out to fix more structural issues with your electrical wiring.

Proper Chemical Handling Techniques

Chemicals, by their nature very hazardous, require special safety protocols to reduce the risk of hazardous leaks and fires. This is especially true if your plant handles flammable or combustible materials like petroleum products. Make sure every employee understands the best practices for handling, storing, and disposal of chemicals. These best practices, detailed by OSHA, can significantly reduce the risk of fires.

Review Safety Procedures Regularly

Human error is a common cause of fires in industrial and chemical plant settings. Accidents will happen, of course, but negligence on the job should not be the cause of these errors. Reviewing the safety procedures of your plant on a regular basis is necessary to fight complacency in your workers. Make sure everyone in the plant follows proper safety procedures at all times and remains alert while on the job.

Fires are destructive and life-threatening, but luckily they are often avoidable. Place fire safety at the top of your priority list and keep your employees and property safe!


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