Choose AEG Environmental for your healthcare mercury remediation services in Abbottstown, Pennsylvania.
Does your facility require healthcare mercury remediation services in Abbottstown, PA? Hospitals and other medical buildings often commit to becoming mercury-free to protect human health and the environment. With over two decades of experience providing healthcare mercury remediation services to clients in Pennsylvania, AEG Environmental can accurately evaluate your site to deliver quality solutions.
We are devoted to meeting your facility’s spill responses, no matter when they occur. We even offer 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week emergency response services to manage chemical spill cleanup and response for residential and commercial clients. Call AEG Environmental today at 1-877-876-1100 or email us at info@aegenviron.com!
AEG Environmental understands the significance of proper disposal practices regarding a broken mercury item for your Abbottstown healthcare facility. Our healthcare mercury remediation services can enhance the safety of our clients. Exposure is possible as long as the products in your premises contain mercury. If they break or crack, they can let out toxic vapor. Unfortunately, this causes an increased off-gassing of mercury vapor, possibly harming pregnant women, kids, and individuals with compromised immune systems.
Our professional responders will assess the spill site and design a complete decontamination plan to minimize the risk and liability associated with a mercury spill. We also package and transport the hazardous and non-hazardous waste from your property. Choose AEG Environmental for your healthcare mercury remediation services in Abbottstown, Pennsylvania.
AEG Environmental has over 20 years of experience overseeing any facility needs for clients in Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Delaware, Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Our commercial clients trust AEG Environmental for several reasons:
- As a full-service environmental management company, AEG Environmental can accurately examine our client’s needs to create specific solutions, including disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, 24-hour emergency response, lab packing services, vacuum tanker services, site remediation, and EPA, DOT, and OSHA training services.
- Our highly trained professionals include certified hazardous materials managers, environmental scientists, hazardous materials technicians, underground tank technicians, and degreed chemists.
- We conduct a strict waste disposal hierarchy, recycling, reusing, and incinerating our waste for energy reclamation rather than dumping it in landfills.
- We are proud to have contributed in the 9/11 emergency response and cleanup, during which we handled the decontamination of items removed from the damaged building.
Mercury remediation in healthcare is fundamental because mercury is a toxic material that can harm patients, employees, and visitors. You can find mercury in many medical devices, such as thermometers and blood pressure cuffs, that can be released into the air through spills or if they are broken. This is why effective mercury remediation techniques are essential for reducing these dangers and ensuring safe working environments. Learn some reasons why healthcare mercury remediation services are vital:
Reduce Risks
Immediate decontamination, including removing contaminated clothing and washing the skin, can reduce the risk of mercury exposure. Mercury spills can still occur due to broken blood pressure cuffs, thermometers, thermostats, and fluorescent bulbs.
Protect the Environment
Mercury waste can enter the air, water, and solids, potentially harming the environment.
Prevent Exposure and Contamination
You can prevent mercury exposure by selecting non-mercury medical products and replacing equipment that contains mercury. However, mercury contamination can spread quickly and persist for a long time.
Ensure Safety
A safe environment is essential for patient and staff safety during treatment and decontamination.
AEG Environmental proudly extends our solutions beyond Abbottstown, ensuring that our expertise in healthcare mercury remediation is available throughout the surrounding communities:
- Baltimore, MD
- Maryland
- Washington, D.C.
- Pennsylvania
- Northern Virginia
- Delaware
Mercury may be found in many prevalently-used hospital devices and products, including:
These devices typically account for a small percentage of total mercury at hospitals, containing about 0.5 grams (lab thermometers usually contain 2 to 10 grams). This is especially important since they are in contact with hospital employees and patients than any other medical device. A study conducted by UCLA Medical Center found that broken mercury thermometers were the most prevalent sources of mercury spills.
Blood Pressure Monitors
Blood pressure monitors are the only equipment at hospitals that often contain the most mercury. Patients and employees in Abbottstown hospitals can typically find them in heavily used areas, including waiting areas, patient rooms, triage centers, and offices, where their exposure to mercury is high.
Cantor and Miller Abbot Tubes (Used to Clear Gastrointestinal Restrictions)
These tubes are the equipment that often contains the second largest mercury concentration, with one single set of tubes containing up to 454 grams of mercury.
Non-Clinical Mercury Sources
These non-clinical mercury sources include barometers, switches, sphyg repair kits, etc. For instance, barometers contain about 800 g of mercury and may be replaced with a 1-millibar precision aneroid or rely on a local weather station or airport for data. Removing mercury sphygs displays an obsolete repair kit containing mercury.
Other Sources
These include batteries, cleaning solutions, fluorescent and high-intensity lamps, staining solutions and lab reagents, manometers on medical equipment, and thermostats.
Since 1995, we have offered healthcare mercury remediation services to medical facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and others in Abbottstown, including Maryland, Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, Baltimore, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Our team has immeasurable experience managing hazardous waste disposal and is highly trained to deal with these industries’ unique health and regulatory concerns.
AEG Environmental has the skills, resources, and training to solve any environmental issue you may face. Our team has over 20 years of experience transporting and disposing of non-hazardous, hazardous, infectious, and universal wastes. We welcome both projects big and small, and we pride ourselves in our exceptional customer service. For more information about our waste transport and disposal services, please contact us today!