For a non-hazardous waste disposal company around Bendersville, Pennsylvania, there’s AEG Environmental.
If you are a business owner near Bendersville, Pennsylvania, then you know the significance of doing your part to protect the environment. Many industries administer waste products daily, and when disposed of inappropriately, it can negatively affect your company and the planet. For many people, when we think of wastes that can harm our planet, we think of hazardous wastes. With that said, non-hazardous wastes still require proper disposal, too. However, knowing how to dispose of them adequately isn’t always the most straightforward task with so many types of non-hazardous waste. That is why you should consider employing professionals to help dispose of it.
For a non-hazardous waste disposal company around Bendersville, Pennsylvania, there’s AEG Environmental. Our team has years of expertise managing and disposing of waste products for clients throughout the state. With the assistance you receive from our team, we will ensure your business does what is needed to keep itself, and the environment, safe. Call AEG Environmental today at our 24-hour emergency response number at 410-494-7587 or toll-free at 1-877-876-1100.
What Makes AEG Environmental Stand Out?
As a full-service environmental management firm, AEG Environmental can accurately evaluate our clients’ needs and develop specific solutions to address those needs. Our services include 24-hour emergency response, vacuum tanker services, disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, lab packing services, and DOT, EPA, and OSHA training services.
Our group of highly-trained professionals include:
- Certified hazardous materials managers
- Degreed chemists
- Environmental scientists
- Underground tank technicians
- Hazardous materials technicians
We follow a strict waste disposal hierarchy in which we recycle, reuse, and incinerate for energy reclamation as an alternative to landfills. We notify our clients of the date and location of all waste disposal in the form of a Certificate of Disposal we issue.
Other Areas We Service
With over two decades of experience in the waste management industry, AEG Environmental is equipped to serve any and all facility needs for clients in the following areas:
- York, PA
- Hanover, PA
- Harrisburg, PA
- Dauphin, PA
- Lancaster, PA
- Abbottstown, PA
Our 7-Step Process for Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
Disposing of non-hazardous waste adequately is rather complex because there are so many types of non-hazardous waste that companies in Bendersville manage, and the best disposal method will change depending on what kinds of waste you are handling at the moment. AEG Environmental executes a multi-step disposal process to make disposing of your waste products easier. The following steps are:
- Identification: Determine if the waste is non-hazardous by evaluating its origin, classification, and composition according to local waste regulations.
- Classification: Identify the primary material of the waste, inspect if the waste can decompose naturally, examine the quantity of the trash to determine storage and transportation needs, and follow regulatory compliance.
- Facility Selection: Choosing the right facility ensures safe management, reduces environmental impact, and promotes effective resource management.
- Packaging: Properly contain and prepare waste materials to ensure handling, transportation, and disposal to prevent spills, accidents, or contamination during the disposal process.
- Profiling: Separate waste at the source into compostable, recyclable, and general waste categories.
- Transportation: AEG Environmental correctly stores waste in designated containers to prevent leaks, pests, or contamination, ensuring safety and compliance.
- Disposal: We dispose of non-recyclable, non-compostable waste at appropriate landfills or incinerators. This reduced harm to the environment.
While we implement this process, we use sustainable practices to keep your business as environmentally friendly as possible. By being eco-friendly, your business will have an easier time becoming environmentally compliant. You can also receive a Certificate of Disposal from us, which states where we dispose of your waste materials and when the disposal process occurred.
How Does AEG Environmental Transport Non-Hazardous Waste?
AEG Environmental collaborates with many companies that each provide their own transportation services. As such, we have plenty of vessels to transport the different non-hazardous waste products you have for us. Here are some of the transportation options that we have available. Feel free to peruse them and learn which ones are of any interest to you:
- Box Trucks
- Vacuum Boxes
- Tank Trailers
- Van Trailers
- Roll Offs
- Vacuum Straight Trucks
- Flat Beds
- Vacuum Tankers
Other Services
Waste Disposal
Transportation and disposal services for non-hazardous, hazardous, universal, and infectious wastes, with various treatment, storage, and transportation options to meet your needs.
Emergency Response
AEG Environmental provides 24/7 emergency response services to meet all of your company’s response needs, regardless of when they occur.
Field Services
From site remediation and storage tank management to plant decommissioning, our experts have diverse capabilities to get your location compliant.
Life Sciences
The AEG Environmental experts have extensive experience administering the unique concerns posed by pharmaceutical, healthcare, and biotechnology facilities. If the business you select in Bendersville has employees who are trained for the job, errors are less likely to occur during the process.
AEG Environmental is Perfect for Your Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Needs!
At AEG Environmental, our commitment to sustainability is the driving force behind our notable success. Our team will help your business meet its environmental compliance objectives with a low-cost, eco-friendly plan. We have extensive training, valuable skills, and crucial resources to solve any environmental issue. After over 20 years in the industry, we’ve perfected our transportation and disposal procedure for non-hazardous, hazardous, universal, and infectious wastes. For more information about our vital services and hardworking team, please contact us today! No project is too big or too small for AEG Environmental, and our customer service is always top-notch.