When it comes to disposing of business waste, there’s often more to it than you might expect. The way you dispose of materials may result in legal ramifications if done incorrectly.
When it comes to disposing of business waste, there’s often more to it than you might expect. The way you dispose of materials may result in legal ramifications if done incorrectly. Additionally, you may be affecting your profit margin, your health, and most importantly, the environment. Consumers are more aware than ever that businesses are the cause of most of the world’s environmental problems, with that in mind, having an effective and safe disposal plan can help you save money and improve your public standing. With that in mind, there are a few myths about waste disposal we’d like to discuss today.
You Can Just Let It Go To A Landfill
We often think of landfills as being the catch-all solution to waste, but the unfortunate truth is that our landfills are quickly filling up. Often, dumps are also not the best solution as they can lead to leakage and lightweight trash can blow out of them, and animals can get into them and become dependent on human waste or worse. If the materials you are disposing of are hazardous, like many chemicals, batteries, paint, printer toner, and more, you may find that you need to follow specific disposal rules set by your state and local government. Many of these items can be recycled, but if left alone, they can result in dangerous leaks.
Simply Follow Labels
Not all labels can be trusted. While some products are perfectly safe to throw away, you should always double check with a third party source. There are a wide variety of environmental regulators who can offer valuable advice on disposal options for all kinds of products.
Recycling Is Enough
While we can’t knock recycling as an excellent start for any business, recycling alone is not enough anymore. With many third parties no longer accepting single-stream recycled waste for processing, it’s clear that new methods for reducing waste must be used. Many steps must now be considered for waste reduction, and while that is worth its own full-length post, it’s essential that you begin to consider new ways to reduce your impact. Starting by taking a hard look at how and where you are creating waste and what can be eliminated is the first step. Next, make sure to look into other recycling options. Many companies are happy to take products like ink cartridges back to clean and reuse, you simply need to research.
No matter what kind of environmental issue you may have, AEG Environmental can help. We handle every situation with care, dedication, and a commitment to exemplary customer service. When you have an emergency, you can rely on us! Need training? We can handle that too! We train in a wide variety of environmental management areas so that your company can remain compliant with EPA, DOT, and OSHA. Make sure to check out our blog for the latest and greatest in the waste management world! You should also follow us on social media for updates.
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